Grace Grace.
Zechariah 4 :6 “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord”
Have you ever done the ‘flick and pick’ with your bible? You literally flick open your bible, and it’s like God hand picked a verse right for you. This happened to me one night and I knew God was speaking loud and clear to me . It was a season where God was showing me not to allow my flesh to push and strive, but to be led by His Spirit. THE FLESH PUSHES BUT THE SPIRIT LEADS, was a phrase that I heard over and over again, that has stuck with me ever since. If I feel myself pushing or striving in business, it’s my red flag that I may be operating in my natural flesh (which I know does not end well). Whereas when I follow where the Spirit is leading, there is an unforced flow and rhythm to it.
This scripture in Zechariah is talking about the rebuilding of the temple, and God’s word to Zerubbabel who was responsible for the project was to rely on God’s Spirit and not trust the resources of man to accomplish the task.
Not my might, not by power, was the message. Might ‘chayil’ means strength, power, force, substance, wealth, muscular power. Power ‘koach’ means vigour, capacity, ability – whether physical, mental or spiritual.
This scripture is as relevant to us today as it was when it was written approximately 500BC. As God’s temple, His living dwelling place, we and our businesses must be built and sustained by His Spirit, not by wealth, our own capacity and ability, our strength, or by force.
I’m sure you’re like me and have moments when you’re feeling in the flow of a joyous spirit led life, you’re trusting God, you’re not pushing and striving, you’re kind to everyone you meet, you’ve got patience for others. And then there’s other moments when struggles or problems arise and then you feel pressure start to mount up. You go into fix it mode and if things don’t work out as easily or as quickly as you’d like you feel frustrated, angry, judgemental, fearful. All the opposites of the fruit of His Spirit.
The very next verse in Zechariah 4:7 “Who are you, o great mountain, before Zerubbabel, you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of GRACE GRACE to it!
This verse is such a source of encouragement and wisdom for us as business owners. Whenever we are faced with mountains of problems, we can trust that before us they will become a plain. They will come to nothing, God will make sure of that. There will be victorious, praise filled shouts of GRACE GRACE as we watch what God’s Spirit does. When the temple is completed, all will acknowledge its beauty and realise it is not the result of human achievement but rather of God’s grace.
That is the type of business I desire to lead. One that people watch and are gob smacked by His goodness. One that brings glory to the One and not to me. It clearly could not be the work or efforts of my hands. No strategy, plan, hustle, or abilities can explain the outcome. It’s His work not mine. These are the types of businesses that will grab people’s attention and lead them to ask how and why?
It’s God’s GRACE.
If you are facing mountains right now, I encourage you to praise and thank Him in advance. Start declaring GRACE GRACE as these mountains become a plain before you. Grace is a FORCE as well as a FAVOUR. A verb as well as a noun.
Grace as a FAVOUR is undeserved kindness. Grace as a FORCE is a power word describing the Holy Spirit’s operational means.
Remember our words are powerful and creative, we speak things into being.
I speak GRACE GRACE over you and your business. Over your family, your friendships and over your physical, emotional and spiritual health.