The art of waiting.
Nah 1:7
The Lord is GOOD
And he KNOWS those who TRUST in Him.
Whatever is going on in your businesses or lives, I wanted to remind you of what His word says, what TRUTH says. He is all things GOOD, if you’re in trouble hold onto Him, He is strong and we get strength when we hold onto Him. And every trial and struggle we go though, its an invitation yet again to step into trusting Him more and more (I don’t think we ever graduate from this journey)
I know our heads can know He is Good and it can almost become cliché, but it needs to become revelation in our heart. We trust in our heart not in our head.
I find Lamentations 3:25 challenging (in a good way! Haha) , which says The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that we should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
That word wait ‘qavah’ means to wait for, look for, expect and hope
In this covid lockdown season for businesses it can be tough as we see sales drop, staff feeling anxious, uncertainty of the future cloud our judgement and peace. The invitation in these seasons is to see His goodness, not our goodness, our strategies, our hard work and hustle to get us through. I’m not talking about inactivity and being passive, it’s about what’s going on in our heart as we are faithful and diligent with what’s in our hand. We see God’s goodness when we wait for Him. So often we don’t see God’s goodness manifest in our businesses and lives, because we are too quick to try and control everything in our strength and striving and don’t wait enough to watch Him come through with the goods. As the SAVIOUR, there’s a whole bunch of saving, rescuing and miraculous that God wants to do in our lives, but we are too busy striving and stressing trying to take it in our own hands. We keep taking the drivers seat in our business, instead of being the passenger. These seasons are a time for us to learn the art of working WITH Him. Not working by ourselves and then only come to Him and include Him on the journey when it’s tough. Unfortunately it’s the tough seasons where we learn again and again how much we need to depend on Him. The mark of maturity is when we realise this at all times, and when things are good we don’t fall back into old habits of self sufficiency. The problem with self sufficiency is that WE get the glory, the accolades, the sense of achievement, whereas we are called to have businesses that bring GLORY to HIM. Self glory never looks good on us anyway, we weren’t designed for that. We were designed to worship Him not ourselves or others, unfortunately our culture is misplacing its worship.
Here are some verses that declare the TRUTH about His goodness and trustworthiness Ps 37:39, Ps 9:10, Ps 50:15 Ps 100:5
Lastly, fun fact!!! Psalm 118.8 is the centrepiece of the bible, it’s the very middle verse of the whole bible. And it tells us that it’s better to TRUST in the Lord than have confidence in man.
So business owners, be encouraged to pursue the journey of TRUSTING Him more. He will NEVER let you down. He is kind and gracious and merciful and totally in love with you.
Be blessed.