A Higher Perspective.
Have you ever looked out the window after take-off in a plane and watched as the world beneath gets smaller and smaller? My husband and I will often talk about this when we’re in the air and laugh at how our lives and its problems and worries seem so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We laugh at how each person, and each house, and each car, gets smaller and smaller as we lift higher and higher into the sky. We can’t help but get the feeling that we are truly like little ants running all over this world, but in our minds our lives and our circumstances are soooo BIG! It’s funny how a higher perspective can awaken these thoughts.
Not to diminish the fact that we are important, and that God truly cares about all the small details of our lives. But I do appreciate the adjustment in perspective each time I fly. I always find myself thanking God that He truly has our lives in the palm of His hand. Each time I fly, I believe I get a renewed healthy perspective of the largeness and sovereignty of God.
Isaiah 66:1, the Lord says “Heaven is My throne, and earth is my footstool”
I find these words so comforting and a much-needed adjustment to my head and heart at times. Picturing God sitting at a place of rest on His throne and putting His feet up on earth as his footstool, is extremely reassuring for me. It tells me that God has got it covered and He’s so chilled in His finished work on the cross. Until we fully experience “on earth, as it is in heaven” there is always this internal struggle as we don’t quite see or feel this “chilled” vibe God has going on. But it is a picture I love to imagine. It brings peace and rest to my soul every time.
Whatever is going on in your “world” right now, in business, in relationships, in health, in finances, I encourage you to see Jesus as He is right now. Seated in Heaven at the right hand of the Father with earth and all it’s people and problems as His footstool. Right now the world is being shaken. Everything that perhaps was a “sure” thing 2 years ago, I’m almost certain everyone can relate, is not so “certain” anymore. Whilst the world is going a little crazy right now, I find so much comfort knowing that from Heaven’s perspective, its but a footstool.
And even better than that, Ephesians 2:6 tells us that we are seated with Him in heavenly places. So, like the perspective we can receive when flying on a plane, I encourage you to “lift your eyes” and see your true position in Him. It’s seated with Him, in heavenly places, in rest in His finished work. When you shift your perspective to your true reality, your heart and mind will govern and steward the daily earthly “stuff” with so much more peace and joy. As we learn to manage ourselves and our businesses this way, we will be a bright beacon of light to a world that is anxious, frustrated and confused right now.