God with us.
When Moses was tasked with the directive, bring My people out of Egypt and into the promised land, Moses had a few questions. Have you ever felt like that? You can sense that God is calling you towards something in your business, your family, your life, but you don’t yet have the full picture. Depending on your temperament this can bother you a little or a lot. If you’re a high thinker that loves all the details, the struggle is definitely real 😊 I can almost hear Moses’ whingey tone that sounds a little like the blame game Exodus 33:12 Then Moses said to the Lord, “See, You say to me, Bring up this people, but you have not let me know whom You will send with me…..” verse 13 “show me now Your way” and “Consider that this nation is YOUR people. It’s hilarious, Moses is complaining that God has asked him to do something but hasn’t told him who’s his support crew, he’s asking God to show him the way, the details, the plan, and he puts in a last dig reminding God they’re “His” people. I love God’s response, and in typical Godhead style, we ask questions, but often the response doesn’t even deal with what we’ve said. It’s like he’s ignored our fleshly complaint and responds with a mic drop moment of Spirit truth! Haha.
Ex 33:14 And He said, My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.
This promise is for us today. God’s presence goes with you, before you and behind you. And He will give you rest. Whatever God has asked you to do, you can trust you are not alone, He goes with you. God always graces you for what he calls you to. He will equip and empower you. You can rest in that.
His name is Emmanuel - God with us. When the Saviour of the world was born, the solution to all our problems, sin, fear, anxiety, and unrest entered our world. He is our ever-present help!
I encourage you to go about your week this week, mindful of His presence in your life. In every meeting, in every situation, in every challenge and every win. His is with you! Straight away your shoulders will drop, you will exhale deeper and your heart will overflow with peace. Like Moses, you may not know all the details of what is before is you, but you can trust that God will be with you every step of the way. Remember it’s less about what, how and where you’re going, and more about WHO you’re going with.