Return to Rest.


Have you ever had those days, weeks, years, seasons where you just need a break? You feel strung out and tired from the rat race? Business life can be hard!

In a season of my life where this was an all too familiar feeling, God spoke strongly to me from Matthew 11. It was the popular scripture “come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. God gave me life changing revelation from this scripture which I have carried through every season since. I would encourage you to read many bible translations of these verses Matthew 11:28-30, each version carries greater meaning and helps to really make the words come alive and become personal to you. For me the message bible translation spoke to me very strongly. In my bible this section was titled the unforced rhythms of grace. I will write a blog on this another time.

For today, I felt to encourage from

Isaiah 30:15 In RETURNING and REST you shall be saved.

Too often in those moments or seasons where we are feeling tired from business and everything we carry, it’s a red flag to show us that we are carrying things we shouldn’t.

Back in the garden of Eden, God had spent 6 days creating everything and then after the 6th day when he created man, he RESTED on the 7th. We were the last thing God created before the REST, God had completed His work and then created us to enjoy this 7th day REST with Him. Too often we are stressed, tired, worn out, overwhelmed, because we have forgotten or not learnt how to REST in and with Him.

This scripture in Isaiah reminds us that in our RETURNING and REST we will be saved. If your emotional, mental, soul health needs saving, it’s found in RETURNING to Jesus and RESTING in His finished work. If your spiritual health needs reviving and saving, it’s found in RETURNING to Jesus and RESTING in His finished work. If your physical body needs saving, it’s found in RETURNING to Jesus and RESTING in His finished work.

We are encouraged to return to the original state God had intended for man in the garden. It’s the state of ruling and reigning, reproducing and being fruitful. And doing this all from a place of RESTING with God. There is zero striving or pressure in this picture.

Unfortunately, since that very moment when sin entered the world, mankind has continued to struggle with taking things into our hands. Like Adam and Eve who clothed themselves with fig leaves as soon as they realised they were naked, we too try to clothe and create and strategise and scheme and plan. As business owners, who by nature are often driven, capable, “make it happen” type of people, we can very quickly find ourselves in the drivers seat, trying to control everything and this is where the downward spiral begins.

Isaiah 31:6-7 says Return to Him, for in that day, every man shall throw away his idols, which your hands have made.

It’s very interesting that these verses indicate that as we return to God, at the same time we are throwing away idols which our hands have made.

I have a lot to share on idols, which I will leave for another blog, but very simply, as business owners our hearts can be chasing or relying on things for our business success that aren’t Jesus. We can be making and creating things which we love, value and are proud of, but sometimes without even noticing these things have taken places in our heart which are meant for only Jesus. Sometimes we create strategies and plans that are our safety nets, foundations, back up plans, which over time become our security and strength, rather than Jesus.

Often, you’ll realise you need to return to Jesus when feelings or thoughts don’t exemplify the fruits of the Spirit. If you’re not feeling love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or self control, then this will show you’re operating outside of life, freedom and REST in Him. And if we’re needing to RETURN to that place, you’ll find wherever you were hanging, there will be ‘idols’, coping mechanisms in full view or hiding. I encourage you to come to Jesus with humility of heart and allow him to show you areas in your heart which are perhaps your ‘go to’ instead of Him.

As Joel 2:12-13 reminds us, when we RETURN to Him with our WHOLE heart, He is gracious, merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness.  

Enjoy the REST. Amazing strategies, insight, dominion and fruitfulness come from this place. And above all else, Amazing Grace and Amazing Love is found here.


P.S I hope this song blesses you as much as it has me in seasons I’ve had to learn to sit and REST in Him. There’s ideas, plan and strategies that He’s given and planted in you that won’t come to fruition until you sit and REST. Let the “birth contractions” begin as you RECEIVE from Him.


Yes to Faith.


Risen & Standing.