Yes to Faith.

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Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him. But the just, shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4

The context of this scripture found in Habakkuk, is the evil and arrogant Babylonians are contrasted with the righteous and the trusting among God’s people.

It’s really interesting how this scripture refers to our soul health. It shows a direct correlation with a a downcast, unstable soul and pride. How confronting!!! Haha.

Have you ever found your mind and emotions not upright in business? Have you struggled with overwhelming feelings of doubt, anxiety, pressure with deadlines, disappointment with unmet expectations, anger? Have you struggled with unethical behaviour? This scripture is one of those ones that’s like holding a mirror up to our soul. Confronting yes, but a pathway to life and freedom, an even bigger YES!

In the past I thought pride was being overconfident and “up yourself”, in love with your own opinions and extremely stubborn. Whilst some of these characteristics may resemble pride, a more subtle indicator of pride which often goes under the radar is our attempt to find life, results and solutions in ourselves, in our own capabilities and strength. As business owners we often find the buck stops with us, and by default we carry the weight and responsibility of ensuring the direction and end results we desire for our company come about. As business owners in particular, we need to continually ensure we are saying YES to humility and NO to pride.

Saying YES to humility, is saying YES to FAITH. It’s with humility of heart, placing our trust and faith in our God and Saviour who is well able. Instead of saying YES to pride and taking matters into our own hands.

In this scripture, the transient and unstable nature of the proud is compared to the dependability and reliability of those who trust God with their life.

In times of uncertainty, especially that of the current covid season in 2020 and 2021, the biggest question for business owners is WHERE IS YOUR FAITH? Is it IN Jesus or is it IN yourself, your circumstances, the economy, your bank balance, your sales?

When the storms of life come, where is your hope and faith anchored? You will quickly find, if it’s not anchored in Jesus the ROCK, the waves and tides can overtake you and have you totally off course. Your soul health is all over the place, with your mind and emotions struggling with hit after hit, one crash after another.

Hebrews 6:19 says this HOPE is an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast. This hope is not a what it’s a WHO, it’s a person. We know that JESUS is the HOPE of the world. Our HOPE is a person. Who is sure and steadfast. As we entwine ourselves to Him as our lifeline, as our source, it will be well with our soul.

Despite the wind and waves of seasons, if we anchor our heart and affection in Jesus, we can experience the fullness of JOY despite circumstances.

Psalm 97:11 says LIGHT is sown for the righteous (the just), and GLADNESS for the upright in heart. If you’re not experiencing a lightness and gladness of heart, this will often expose an issue of the heart. A posture of heart that has perhaps said YES to pride or unbelief and NO to humility and faith.

I encourage you to make a decision to say YES over and over again to humility. To say YES to Jesus and his dependability, to say YES to God and his sovereignty in all situations and say YES to the walk of faith. It’s a trusting, believing, walk of FAITH and not of sight. Despite what we might see in the natural, we know that God is good and he’s got it!


P.S A great song of God faithfulness. We have FAITH in a God who is FAITHFUL.


Thirst Quencher.


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