Thirst Quencher.

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The office “water cooler” is a metaphorical and sometimes literal location in the office where work colleagues congregate to have a little chat and a gossip. Do you have a “water cooler” location in your workplace?  It may not literally be a water cooler, but a place that like spirits bump into each other and don’t mind having a bit of a whinge or gossip session. It could be in the bathrooms, in the staff carpark, on private group chats or the good old fashioned phone call.

Isaiah 55 is one of my most favourite passages of scripture. In my bible it’s titled ‘An invitation to Abundant life’ Will you say YES to the invitation to abundant life? As Isaiah 55:2 declares, Will you let your soul delight itself in abundance?

This chapter in Isaiah starts with an invitation to come.
Isaiah 55:1 Ho, everyone who thirsts COME to the waters.

Matthew 5:6 promises us that Blessed are those who THIRST for righteousness, for they shall be filled. This word filled ‘chortazo’ refers to being abundantly satisfied. 

Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say Come! And let him who hears say Come! And let him who THIRSTS come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life FREELY.

Revelation 21:6 I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.

As we go about our business life, are we thirsting for righteousness or unrighteousness? Things of God’s kingdom or of this earthly kingdom?

There are 2 “office water coolers” we can be drinking from. Will we congregate and drink from the world’s way, which is like drinking lukewarm water? Or will we drink from the cold refreshing water that comes from the WATER OF LIFE. The fountain of the water of life is FREE. The world’s version of refreshment always comes at a price, with strings attached and never truly satisfies. Have you ever noticed how the gossip and chatter around the office “water cooler’” never feels nice? It’s never life giving and hopeful, it’s always to pull down, it’s divisive and it’s rooted in darkness not light.

In Revelation 3 a letter is written to the Laodicean church, the ‘lukewarm’ church, God says “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot, because you are ‘lukewarm’ I will vomit you out of my mouth. Verse 17 refers to why God calls them lukewarm “Because you say I am rich, have become wealthy and have need of nothing, and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.

I’d like to draw your attention to the self sufficiency of this ‘lukewarm church’ God exposes their attitude of being self-sufficient, they perceive themselves as rich and wealthy and not needing anything YET they are unaware they are actually the opposite; wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. As we are awakened to our true spiritual reality, we may SEE areas of our heart which have become SELF reliant not God reliant. The Laodicean church, the lukewarm, church is a picture of relying on our natural flesh, rather than our spiritual power source IN Christ.

When we drink from the world’s lukewarm water cooler, we are drinking from a source that denies God and his power and believes “if it’s meant to be, its up to me” Whereas when we drink refreshing cool water from the fountain of the WATER OF LIFE we are drinking of His Spirit, not our flesh.

John 7:37 If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who BELIEVES in Me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of water.

As we come and drink of Him, His Spirit, it is an act of belief in Him. We are saying YES to God and his way, we are saying YES I believe you are who you say you are, you are Jehovah Jireh my provider, El Shaddai all mighty and powerful, Elohim sovereign and supreme, Abba my father, Yahweh the one true God, Jehovah Rapha my healer, Jehovah Nissi my protector, leader and deliverer.   

And best of all, as we drink of His spirit, out of our heart, out of our spirit will flow rivers of living water to bless the world around us. As our world encounters the living water that flows from us, we will have the opportunity to share with them the SOURCE of this amazing supply. It’s a water that Jesus shares with the women at the well in John 4:14 that He promises we will never thirst again.

If you are finding yourself continually hungry and thirsty for the next win, next sale, next big launch in business, can I encourage you to go take a big deep drink from the WATER OF LIFE, you will experience an everlasting satisfaction, your pathway to an ABUNDANT LIFE.


Fearfully Confident.


Yes to Faith.